Call 855-Here4TN to find a provider for immediate access to a licensed clinician. They can guide you to a qualified practitioner.
Here4TN Emotional Wellbeing Solutions can help you find community resources. Additional behavioral health resources are outlined below.
Know that substance use affects people from all walks of life. And like many chronic illnesses, addiction to opioids and other substances is treatable through a combination of medication, therapy and ongoing support.
* Confidential in accordance with state and federal laws and provided at no cost to you.
Make the most of your benefits by using an Optum Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Preferred Provider.
When you use an Optum Substance Use Disorder (SUD) preferred provider for inpatient, residential or partial hospitalization services, your costs are waived.
PPO members who use these high-quality facilities, will not pay a deductible or co-insurance. CDHP/HSA members co-insurance will be waived after meeting their deductible. Prior authorization is required
* Confidential in accordance with state and federal laws and provided at no cost to you.
Support for you and your family
For children and teens using substances, support is important. The good news is there’s help available for them and the whole family.
Access important forms for out-of-network claims, appeals and more. Claims will be submitted by your network provider. If you use a non-network provider, you will need to submit the claim. Click here to get more information and submit your out-of-network claim.
Need help understanding your Explanation of Benefits? Click here for more information about how to read your EOB.
Claim information can be found here by choosing “Manage Claims”. Select “Account Balance” to view cost-share information. You will be required to login for this information.
About treatment options
There is no “one-size-fits-all” solution, as everyone’s situation is unique. An individualized treatment plan begins with an assessment by a licensed clinician.
In general, treatment options may include one or more of the following:
- Detoxification: medical management of the physical symptoms of withdrawal from drugs or alcohol
- Local, short-term, intensive residential treatment: 24-hour treatment with doctor and nurse
- Medication-assisted treatment: the use of approved medications with therapy to treat substance use disorders
- Intensive outpatient treatment: 3 to 5 days a week, up to 3 hours of individual and group therapy
- Individual substance use disorder counseling: individual therapy with an outpatient provider
- Group therapy: a group of patients discuss issues under the guidance of a therapist
Click here for a list of providers offering medication-assisted treatment (MAT) and/or counseling options.